It Takes A Village

It Takes A Village

A recent video done by Taylor Calmus aka Dude Dad reflected on the perfect number of children for a family. Taylor, who is the same age as my son, also has three children, as do I and his wife’s family of origin.  I posted the link to our family messenger page. We all had a…

An Ode to motherhood

An Ode to motherhood

My mom was recently scheduled for a surgical procedure and needed a driver to take her to her local clinic. Typically, my sister-in-law takes my mom to her appointments. After mom gave up her car. much of the transportation tasks has fallen to them since she and my brother live only a block away. This…

The Great Resignation

The Great Resignation

I learned of a new term from a co-worker the other day. It seems since the spring 2021 to the present, there is an ongoing trend in America of employees voluntarily leaving their jobs. It’s been coined the great resignation, or the great quit. Since I’m very happy with my employer and workplace, I disregarded…