What would Mony and Nate Do During A Pandemic
From its conception, I always intended for the Bakken series to be a contemporary setting, following real time event whenever possible. Mony Altman-Strong and Nate Ferguson deal with real life issues concerning the oil industry. There are so many interesting things happening in the world on a daily basis. To ignore current events would be missing out on an opportunity in creating an authentic, relatable story. Sometimes, you don’t have to make sh#t up to be intriguing.
Book one, Beneath the Bedrock (BTB) opens near the end of 2013, and follows the decline of the oil industry on the Bakken oilfields of North Dakota in real time. I give attention to the oil industries impact on the community from contributions (new highways) to pitfalls, think Man Camps.
The following year, in book two, Between Fracture Lines (BFL), there truly was a Neo-Nazi white supremist group that took over and terrorized a small town in North Dakota, and became headline news. The story excerpt pertaining to this is based on factual events.
Book 3 is in the works…
As I pen my third book in the series, Beyond The Bust (working title), I find it difficult staying positive and focused on my WIP. Dealing with the 2020, CoVID-19 global pandemic, I’m easily distracted. Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder, what would Mony and Nate be doing right now if they were living in these, “unprecedented times.” Let’s fast forward to present day, and check in on our protagonists.
In the epilogue of Between Fracture Lines, we left off with Nate finding his birth mother after surviving near lethal gunshot wound. He just reignited his music career.
Mony and Nate rekindle their love affair. And Nate’s relationship with his brother Massey has been reconciled. Restoring them once again as the trio of trouble. Mony is no closer to knowing what she wants to do with the rest of her life. But she is committed to Nate. And she has laid the groundwork for keeping the oil business viable as the industry heads toward a bust. What are these two people be doing during a pandemic?

What Would Mony And Nate Be Doing During A Pandemic
I somehow believe that Nate’s behavior has probably reverted back to his bachelor days with Buddy. He has a lot of time on his hands now that all large stadium events have been canceled for the year. I know he’s been wearing the same pair of sweat pants for two weeks. Now that he has Mony at his side, maybe he’ll be inspired and write music.
To appease his social nature, he’d head into town once or twice a month for groceries and liquor. And perhaps stop at a food truck or restaurant that offers carry outs. He’s probably videotaping a private concert for YouTube to raise awareness for one of Mony’s many social issues.
And Mony…
Mony, on the other hand would be bored sitting around. After she had the garden planted, house painted, and replaced the old deck off the back patio door, she’s back working in her veterinary clinic. She would have her staff meeting her clients in the parking lot to support social distancing, and the safety of the work environment. While her clinic was closed she kept paying her employee’s salaries least they fall on hard times. With her kids living on the west coast, she devotes Sunday afternoons to face time with her family to stay in touch.
Mony and Nate would still take a summer vacation. She’s got a plane, so they don’t have to worry about the hassles of commercial air travel. A cabin located on a secluded lake would be nice.

They’re minimalists despite their wealth, so they know how to get by on the basic essentials and relax. They’re families would be invited over weekends and holidays. Gathering around a roaring campfire. Eating good food, telling stories, and enjoying one another’s company. As long as there was a place to swim, a lake for fishing, trails for hiking, horses, or four-wheelers, they would be satisfied.
What We Can Do During A Pandemic Like Mony and Nate
I don’t have the same level of wealth and resources as Mony and Nate. But these are the sort of things I’m doing to keep my sanity during quarantine. It’s easy to get caught up in all the anger, hate, fear, and disparity that keeps bombarding us via the evening new, social media, and just plain everyday reality.
We can’t ignore it, and I’m not suggesting we should. I’m advocating there are times we need to self-preserve if we’re going to have the resilience necessary to get through this pandemic.
Finding joy in life’s small things, like getting ice cream at a walk-up window, picking fresh flowers and vegetables from your garden. Relaxing on the deck with a cool beverage. Taking a walk in the woods. Or catching a sunrise or a sunset are a few of my pleasures.

Also remember to check in with your family and friends from time to time. They’re going through the same crap as you, and showing you care doesn’t cost a penny. Dare to extend that same kindness to a stranger.
Wrapping Up
Our world can sure use good karma right now. It may be the only hope we have for continuing all of our stories.