The Twitterverse
As an independent author, it’s not enough to write the story. There is cover design, editing, interior layout to consider, proofreading, distribution setup, and eBook conversion, just to name a few.
After all of these tasks are completed, next comes the book launch and the actual getting your #bookbaby out into the wide world. Marketing is often considered a dirty word among most authors, yet it is a necessary evil in the process. It’s daunting, it’s intimidating, but mostly it’s expensive.
There are many avenues by which you can market and none of it is for free. There are book shows, with table fees, advertising posters, and swag. You can enter contests, or giveaways to give your book exposure. Joining a writing groups provides support and understanding people to commiserate with about the process and then there’s social media.

Joining The Twitterverse
Anyone in the business will tell you that you must have an online presence. This can be in the form of a website, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and the Twitterverse, just to name a few choices. I personally have a website and a Facebook page. At the behest of my social media manager, (yes, I’ve hired this out and believe me, it’s money well invested) it was recommended I set up a Twitter account.
I’m not the most technically savvy person, nor am I the least, the good news is you don’t have to be. Download the app and set up an account and you’re ready to tweet. Now that my website is up and running, it’s fun to post my blogs, do newsletters, upload pictures and such, but this hashtags and twitterverse thing has me taking a step back.
It feels a little like junior high, or entering a popularity contest to establish a following. You start out a guppy in an ocean size pond with only immediate family and close friends in your account. Communication is a lightening fast pace with quick quips and phrases, preceded by the almighty hashtag and gifs, lots and lots of gifs. It reminds me of the electronic billboards in Time Square; current, in your face, strategic, and dazzling. Tap into the pulse of what’s relevant in the Twitterverse with one well-placed #word and you are catapulted into instant retweet status, (this is good). Best of all, it doesn’t cost you a dime.
So I ask myself, how tough can this be? I’ve proven I’m creative person, smart, and educated. I know my way with words and what’s current.
Wrapping It Up
Like anything, you get out of it what you put into it. As a natural consequence, in order to make this work, you need to be tweeting, a LOT. It’s all about timing, who views your tweet and when. It takes practice, the physical hands-on of doing and like anything, luck.
So wish me luck as I embark into the great unknnown Twitterverse. To follow my tweets, go to @julienbradley2 and thank you for following!