How CoVID-19 Has Changed My Life
This blog post was supposed to contain a chronicle of my research adventures for book three, in the Bakken series, Beyond the Bust.
My Midwest winter getaway trip included, flying into Las Vegas, a drive to Lake Havasu City, and the Bill Williams wildlife refuge, back to Las Vegas for a couple of days, then over to Bryce Canyon and Zion national park, and finally flying back to Minneapolis on a redeye out of Las Vegas to see the beautiful city lights. (sigh!)
CoVID-19 Is Changing The Way We Live
You would be hard pressed to find a news feed on social media, television, or radio and NOT hear something about CoVID-19. All of us have been impacted in one way or another.
Maybe your state is on lockdown, or you are an essential service worker and must be out and about. It could be you, or a family member is laid-off because your company is closed. Perhaps you couldn’t find toilet paper at your local grocery, or you’re sewing face masks to help out your community.

I won’t even go into the multiple challenges my cohorts are facing in the healthcare industry. Many people pray for the survival of the world during this crisis. I’m not a deeply religious person, but I send up a petition daily that my readers, their families, loved ones or friends are safe. The prior sentiment hasn’t been answered, yet, so let’s keep praying.
Beyond divine intervention, I focus on what I can do as an individual to slow down the spread of CoVID-19 and reach out to those in social isolation, especially the shut-ins. My mom is such a case. She is still in her home, but alone, with only her cats for company. She has end-stage COPD, and it is extremely dangerous for her to go anywhere right now.
My youngest brother and his family look in on her and get her groceries. Because she’s on a fixed income, they’ve had to carry her until the first of the month when she gets her social security check to pay for her pre-purchases.
My other brother had the foresight to get Mom a smartphone. We do face to face chats over social media as a family or individually as often as we can. My father-in-law lives in an assisted living facility, which has been on lockdown for four weeks.
He has an old flip phone. We call him every day and staff are posting pictures of him on Facebook. It’s nice to get a visual. We worry that someone coming into the facility to help, may also bring the virus. I am grateful that hasn’t happened.
Other Events I’ve Put On Hold
Upcoming summer events are on hold. I had four book signings, two concerts, a trip to the Black Hills and a trip to Durango to visit my husband’s sister and her husband. All on hold.
I have a baby shower planned for my youngest daughter’s first baby in June. We’ll see. At least the Corona virus won’t postpone a birth. We will have a new grandchild in August, God willing.
Wrapping It Up With Positive Vibes
To all my readers, please be safe, take the necessary precautions, and stay at home if you can. May we all be here on the great day of release. I think it will be like horses out of a gait when we can socialize again, and we’ll be more grateful for one another’s company. I know I for one won’t take it for granted.