22 Of My Favorite Author Quotes
There are so many words to describe authors. Like animated. Complex. Derisive. Intense. Pretentious. Authors can also be described as intellectual. Writers Write shared 155 of them in their post 155 Words To Describe An Author’s Tone
And if you look on Pinterest, there are thousands of quotes for authors. Here are some of my favorite author quotes that are pin worthy.
My Favorite Author Quotes
Here is a list of my favorite author quotes that describes what it’s like to be an author to the T.
“Authors like cats because they are such quiet, lovable, wise creatures, and cats like authors for the same reasons.” ― Robertson Davies
“Quiet people have the loudest minds.” ― Stephen King
“Fool! Nothing but black ink runs through my veins!” ― Hiromu Arakawa
“I just want to write and drink coffee” – unknown

“The only difference between a writer and a crazy person is that a writer gets paid for it.” ― David Gerrold
“Most writers I know are a bit strange. Some, downright weird. But then again, you’d have to be.” ― Christopher Hopper
“Writer’s block’ is just a fancy way of saying ‘I don’t feel like doing any work today.” ― Meagan Spooner

“The standard personality type for a writer is a shy megalomaniac.” ― John Lanchester
“Being an author is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum.” ― Graycie Harmon”

“Authors. We write to pretend we’re not crazy for talking to ourselves.” ― Richie Norton
“I call my writing style ‘Short-Attention-Span Stand-Up.’ Or SASSU for short. Sassy.” ― Oliver Markus Malloy
“Chirpy greens, free thoughts, a paper, a pen and a crazy mind; Authors’ paradise.” ― Vikrmn, Corpkshetra
More Of My Favorite Author Quotes
“Mind over matter, pen over paper.” ― Carolyn M. Walker
“Never fail to mention and then discuss budget problems with a writer, as he is very interested.” ― L. Ron Hubbard
“Forget about how old you are and get busy.” ― Chris Mentillo
“You know you are a writer when you talk about your characters as if they were real people!” ― Wyketha K Parkman

“My mouth is not talking, my fingers are!” ― Wyketha K Parkman
“The problem with taxation is that authors can’t write off whiskey as a business expense.” ― Bryan Way
“A pen name is a nickname.” ― A.D. Posey
“If you don’t trust a novelist, who are you going to trust?” ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Sometimes I wonder if novel writers aren’t completely f**ked in the head. ― Drew Stirling”
“One piece of wisdom a writer quickly learns – typos keep you humble.” ― E.A. Bucchianeri
Wrapping Up
I hope you enjoyed reading my favorite author quotes. If you have a favorite quote for authors share it with is in the comments below. And don’t forget to pin your favorites on Pinterest!
And don’t forget to check out my latest book Between Fracture Lines!